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McElroy Machines Get the Job Done in Less Time

McElroy Fusion Machine Parts McElroy Parts

McElroy Machines Get the Job Done in Less Time

Why do hundreds of thousands of customers rely on McElroy tools? They perform the job more quickly, with greater speed, and with less cooling time needed. To provide somewhat of a fundamental idea of how these machines take on major roles in large jobs versus standard machines, let's provide a little insight into how they operate. McElroy systems have no trouble firmly clamping around the tubing at once with hydraulic jaws. Standard machines also allow each clamp to be individually tightened, thereby increasing productivity and efficiency. Similar to the jaws, the Facer motion is hydraulically driven, which ensures that it...

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Optimum Productivity with McElroy Machines

industrial equipment industrial equipment rentals Machine Parts McElroy Parts

  Why are McElroy machines relied on by hundreds of thousands of customers? They get the job done faster, safer, and with less necessary cooling time. To give you a brief idea of how these machines take care of important jobs compared to standard machines, let’s elaborate a bit. With hydraulic jaws, McElroy machines have no issue safely clamping around the pipe at once. Standard machines often require individual tightening of each clamp, thereby reducing productivity and efficiency. Like the jaws, the Facer movement is powered hydraulically which means lowering and raising can be done in mere seconds. In standard...

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Intelligent Socket Fusion with the SmartFab 125

McElroy Fusion Machine Parts McElroy Parts

Intelligent Socket Fusion with the SmartFab 125

The SmartFab 125 is McElroy's first benchtop machine that provides a more intelligent way to socket fuse pipe and fittings for polypropylene piping systems as seen in today’s complex HVAC, mechanical and commercial plumbing applications. These features of fantastic design and portability make the SmartFab 125 essential for large assembly prefabrication. McElroy has reinvented the method of fusing socket fittings and tube for polypropylene piping systems with the SmartFab 125 PP Package. The machine is designed for portability and can be mounted on any flat surface, ensuring prefabrication remains accurate and allowing an incredibly large level of flexibility, whether it is...

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Easy Fusion with the McElroy Hornet

McElroy Fusion Machine Parts McElroy Parts

Easy Fusion with the McElroy Hornet

When you have needs involving polypropylene outlet fusion, the McElroy Hornet Fusion Machine is an all-in-one solution that’s here to save the day. The Hornet serves as a robust tool capable of working perfectly as a secondary option to manual outlet fusion methods. You can look forward to hugely improved repeatability, productiveness, and dependability. Its distinct design allows for self-aligning on the center of the pipe while a guided carriage eases the step of drilling of the outlet hole and fitting fusion. Thanks to this novel setup, operators can accomplish complete alignment without the need to reposition the Hornet. Even...

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Ensure Joint Fusion Integrity with the McElroy DataLogger

Machine Parts McElroy Fusion Machine Parts

Ensure Joint Fusion Integrity with the McElroy DataLogger

There is a growing demand for improved record-keeping and more accountability is growing among those responsible for building modern, elaborate pipeline infrastructures. Current standards such as ASTM F3124, for example, provide guidelines on the collection of plastic pipe fusion data. The McElroy DataLogger® 6 is the answer to these demands, capturing the essential information necessary for smooth fusion operations. Better traceability and a greater assurance that pipelines were fused properly before being placed into service are dramatically improved thanks to the reliability of the DataLogger and its capabilities.The DataLogger 6 is comprised of the essential tools required to properly record...

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