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McElroy University Provides Fusion Inspector Training

McElroy fusion parts McElroy Parts

Inspector Qualification program at McElroy University was developed in response to industry demands. This course equips pipeline inspectors, project managers, and consulting engineers with the knowledge they need to ensure that the right equipment, methods, and fusion joint integrity are followed. Classes are held online and are designed so that students can complete the course in their own time. To acquire a qualification, students must pass an exam and demonstrate that they fully comprehend the topic.

Fusion inspector students will obtain an awareness of numerous areas of thermoplastic pipe fusion, such as jobsite setup and safety, throughout this self-paced, online course. Project managers, consulting engineers, quality assurance managers, and anyone who needs a wide grasp of polyethylene pipe fusion may benefit from this course. Students will gain a complete grasp of the many types of fusions employed, as well as essential criteria that can be used to visually assess a successful fusion joint and evaluate McElroy DataLogger® joint reports to ensure industry-standard guidelines were followed.

When conventional offerings don't satisfy your specific needs, McElroy University can provide customized training sessions. This personalized training is accessible in various languages and can take place at their Training Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, at your location, or even on the jobsite. Make an appointment today to set up your personalized training.

McElroy Parts provides technically advanced, dependable, sturdy and efficient pipe fusion equipment solutions. Our versatile tools are designed to be used for just about any project and we have a team of professionals thoroughly trained in working with McElroy parts and equipment, including McElroy Certified Instructors and McElroy Certified Master Mechanics. For information on McElroy fusion parts please fill out the form on our McElroy Parts Finder page.

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